Celebrating 17 Million Loads Donated Together
Today marks an incredible day, Eco Hero!
Together we have donated 17 MILLION loads of laundry detergent Eco Sheets!
In the Fall of 2020 Earth Breeze launched the Buy One, Give Ten program.
The program donates ten loads of laundry detergent Eco Sheets to those in need every time you buy a pack of laundry detergent through one of the numerous non-profit organizations the program supports.
Today we get to celebrate our community and all of the amazing loving kindness that has poured out, and the lives changed, from simply doing your laundry.
“I cannot stress enough how thankful we are that your organization reached out to us. Veterans have faced isolation, economic insecurity and health challenges since the pandemic started. As we discussed yesterday, something so small to us (like a pair of clippers) is such a huge obstacle to many of our veterans. Clean clothes change a person. You are helping our veterans stay healthy, and happy; you may even help them get a job. Beyond that, though, it will allow them to feel connected to an organization and community that truly cares about them.”
-Dani Walker US Vets Washington DC

The Buy One Give Ten program supports hundreds of organizations all over the world.
When you choose to use Earth Breeze for your laundry you also get to choose to send love to women’s shelters, developing countries, animal care centers, veterans organizations, homeless shelters, and more.
Part of our mission here at Earth Breeze is to reduce waste, regenerate our planet, and redistribute loving kindness by giving back to those in need in our global community.
“Your organization has been an honest-to-goodness Godsend to our animal rescue. The dollar amount that we have been able to save in not having to purchase as much laundry soap as we need has allowed us to reallocate those funds to saving even more in need. It makes our heart happy to be able to increase our "yes" responses when asked for help - it's hard work, but live-saving work and your organization is a big part of making what we do possible. Thank you for everything - what you give back is simply amazing.”
- Gregory's Gift of Hope, Inc., Brenda Grandahl

The Buy One Give Ten program started after the 2020 fires in Oregon devastated our own local community, just outside of our warehouse.
With the support of Eco Heroes all around the globe, we were able to donate 100,000 loads of laundry detergent Eco Sheets to the distressed and displaced families in need.
It was at this time that we learned laundry detergent is not only a highly sought-after disaster-relief item, but it is one of the most requested items at shelters and charities that support those in need.
Hygiene items like laundry detergent are not covered by federal aid programs and can be incredibly hard to come by.
Without access to such an essential item means that those without it don’t have clean clothes, bedding, or blankets.
“Our clients love having laundry detergent available since those who suffer from food insecurity usually suffer from hygiene poverty, which is made worse by the lack of government support for hygiene products. We all love the environmental sustainability of the product too, and the fact that the product can be more easily carried by those with physical limitations!”
- Rosyln Reeps Helping Hands Food Pantry

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity for the dignity and respect that can come from feeling empowered in your own clean clothes.
With the help of you, our community of Eco Heroes, and the incredible organizations that are a part of the Buy One Give Ten program we have been able to give more than just laundry detergent.
We have given the opportunity for hope, independence, and a fresh outlook on life through the compassion from our community of Eco Heroes.
Today we stand at over 17 million loads given with so much love.
Our hearts are so full of gratitude for each one of the Eco Heroes, including you, for making this possible.
Because you choose Eco Sheets when you do your laundry this small act of kindness means that…
Women who face extreme hardship and are trying to rebuild their lives have the comfort and empowerment that clean laundry gives.
Communities in developing countries with limited resources that must fight every day for basic necessities no longer have to worry about the hygiene clean laundry provides.
Animals that may have been mistreated or abandoned have clean bedding as they heal and recover or wait for their forever homes.
Veterans that have bravely stood up for their country and protected their neighbors and loved ones can feel welcome and supported with clean laundry as they navigate life after service.
Community members who have faced adverse challenges like housing and hygiene insecurity can feel hope and comfort from clean clothes and blankets.
“ This is awesome because their residents have a hard time budgeting for detergent because 1) it's expensive and 2) it's not covered with their EBT or SNAP benefits. This will give so many struggling people their dignity back. It's really incredible how much of a gift this is!!
-Circle Lodge via Intersect Needs (Director)

Throughout this post, we have included some words of gratitude from a few of the non-profit organizations that your choice has helped.
We hope that your heart is filled with as much pride, joy, and warmth as ours because we could not have done this without you.
After less than two years our community has been able to share so much love, we cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Thank you, Eco Hero.